How Can TCM and Acupuncture Treat Broken Bones?
Broken bones can be treated with acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine very soon after the initial injury. These treatments can help relieve swelling, decrease pain, improve circulation, and promote the regeneration of bone and soft tissue, with some studies showing that this can promote better healing of the bones, more improvement in range of motion, and better long-term outcomes.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Case Report: Broken Big Toe
I broke/crushed my left big toe last November. This is the detailed case report on how I helped myself heal using traditional Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Can Acupuncture and TCM Treat Essential Tremors?
Tremors are a common movement disorder that cause areas of our body to move involuntarily. While there are conventional medical treatments to manage essential tremors, Traditional Chinese Medicine can also help reduce disruptive tremors with acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments.