Alina Rehkopf

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

a whole body approach to health


You don’t have time to feel less than excellent.

Been there. Done that. Thank you, NEXT.

I’ll get to the root of your problem so you can pay attention to the rest of your life.

Mixing the best of Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques with current knowledge, my treatments are relaxing, to the point (pun intended), and help you get the results you want.


You know that kid who plays doctor with their stuffed animals? That was me.  

I chose traditional Chinese medicine because I was inspired by its view of the body as a completely interconnected system - one where nothing ever happens in isolation.

Physical problems. Emotional upset. Mental imbalances. All are considered when I diagnose and treat you.

This helps me get to the heart of whatever health concerns you have so I can relieve your symptoms now, while also working to keep them from coming back. For good. 

Sometimes this takes a little patience. Everybody’s health is unique. If you’re not sure that I’ll be the right fit for you, come see me for a free consultation and we can talk about any questions you have.



Chinese medicine doesn’t only mean acupuncture. Here are other treatments you can try.